Krishna’s Light: a Bhakti Poem

In the depths of night, under the moon’s soothing haze,
I find solace in the Divine, lost in His transcendent gaze,
Krishna, the embodiment of absolute love and grace,
Guiding me on the journey, illuminating every space.
Krishna’s light, shining bright, even in the darkest night,
Infinite love, pure and endless, filling me with delight,
His flute’s melody, a song of eternal bliss,
In Krishna’s embrace, all worries cease to exist.

Through the chaos and the noise, I hear Krishna’s call,
A gentle whisper in the wind, breaking down every wall,
His words of wisdom, a beacon of truth and light,
Leading me towards the path of love, destroying karma’s plight.
In the depths of my soul, Krishna’s presence is felt,
A love so deep and eternal, in my heart where He has always dwelt,
May his grace be with me, guide me to the path of the strong,
In Krishna’s light, I find where I completely belong.

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